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Who can use Invita services?
Invita is suppose to send Invitation messages to all his/her contact list of the Invtia User.All the Indian individuals can utilise the service to invite family and friends for any occassion for their personal use.
How long does the service take to set up?
Invita can serve you within minutes.Register and Start Send Invitaitons.
What do i need to use Invita services?
Invita will authorize you by your own mobile number and email address.It is all web based so you do not need to download anything. All you need is an internet enabled PC, Mac or Tablet.
How to use Invita ?
1.Signup for a free and Login into Invita
2.Choose how you would like to invite either through SMS or VOICE or EMAIL or ALL
3.Compose Message and you can include attachment for invitation
4.Upload Contact List
5.Buy credits you need
6.Schedule or Send the message
7.Track real-time delivery reports and advanced campaign click reports
I compose my invitation , some how my invita window closed, should i re compose all the messages?
No Need, Invita saves your message automatically. You can use an option called "Draft", which enables you to restore composed messages.
Does Invita support only English?
No, Invita suppors all the languages.Use google keyboard.
Guest may forget about my Invitation? Do you remind him?
Yes, Invita provides an option called "Remind Me" If your guest chooses it, he will be reminded before the occassion.
How do i use Invita for my business purpose?
Contact Invita, by filling Contact Us form. They will get back to you.
Can you integrate Invita to my business database?
Invita, will address all your business communication needs too, you can contact us.
Will send the Invitation to DND Mobile number also?
Invita delivers the invitation to DND numbers also,Since the Invita user should disclose all the invitees(contact list) are familer (friends or family members) to him.You can read website service terms for further details.
Does Invita send any type of message to the contact list?
No, Invita will verify the message (SMS/VOICE/EMAIL) prior to deliver, if the message not violate the rules of Invita then only message would be delivered.You can read website service terms and privacy policies.
Why should you verfiy the message?
The one and only reason of verification is to ensure the message should be an Invitation or Information. It should not contain the content related to advertisment or the content harm or motivate the receiver.You can read website service terms and privacy policies.
How long does it take for the Invita support team to verify and approve the messages?
Dedicated Invita team try to approve the message immediately but some time it may take few minutes.
How secure is my data?
Your data is completely safe. Invita does not share or pass on any of your data, including the mobile numbers you upload. Your data will only be used for your Invitation purpose. For all the details visit privacy policy page.
How do I check if the message has been delivered?
Invita provides real time delivery reports of the all the messages sent. You can access the status of each message in the Reports.
Can I send messages outside India?
There is no regional limit for Email services, but you cannot send messages(Voice or SMS) to mobile numbers registered outside India.However, messages can still be delivered to mobile numbers registered in India, even when the subscriber is on international roaming.
Can I schedule messages to be sent at a later date?
Yes, it's easy to schedule your messages for delivery at a later date & time. Choose to schedule them to be sent only after specific times and dates.
Can I sign up for a free trial?
You can sign up for a free trial in just 30 seconds, with no credit card required. Simply enter your email address and mobile number to get started and avail free credits. Our platform is free to sign up and if you decide you like us after the free trial, you just pay for your usage.
What happens when a customer complains when she receives a Transactional SMS?
We deliver message with confirmation of Invita user that all your message receivers should register their mobile number with you and they should be your friend or family members only.
How do I Send Invitation from Excel (only .xls file)?
Excel column contains mobile numbers haeding should be Mobile
Please store all the numbers in the first column without 91 and without heading .
Select contact from as "Excel" then Invita lets you to choose the file you have saved
Please note that mobile number should be 10 digits ( country code not required since the services are with in India)
I forget my password. What I have to do?
Enter the Registered mobile number and Just click on forget password option than you get OTP on you mobile and you can use the same to login into invita.After you login you can change the password you want.
I forgot my password and My Registered Mobile Number is not working to receive OTP.How do I login?
Invita would send OTP to your registered mobile as well as your registered email address.So you can check your email OTP.
Do I compose SMS only in English?
You can compose SMS in English or popular regional languages.
Why does applicable charges are different if i send SMSes in regional language?
Maximum number of characters (English) 160 per one SMS credit, To type one regional character (other than English) usally it takes two to three characters. Number of characters in your message shown in small text box besides SMS Message box.As long as number of characters are below 160 in any language,Invita will consider it as ONE SMS only.
How do i compose message other than English?
You can drectly type in the given box.Use google key board , make sure that should familier with the typing of your regional language.
With which sender ID user receives my SMS invitation?
Your contact receives the sms with the sender id "INVITA"
Can i choose my own sender id?
No,It is fixed for all the Invita personal users.
How many characters can I send in a message?
You can send up to 918 characters in a message. Here, we refer to standard Latin symbols (ASCII) and not special or Unicode characters. Messenger displays clearly when composing your message as to how many characters you have used and how many credits your text will use up so you can edit the message accordingly.
What is length of an SMS and what is the relation between message length and credits?
The standard length of SMS is 160 characters in Latin symbols (ASCII). It also varies depending on the message type, especially if it is a Unicode message or if the message uses any special characters.A message with up to 160 characters uses up one SMS credit. If the message is more than 160 characters, one credit is used up for 153 characters as the remaining 7 characters are used to concatenate the message when it is delivered to the handset. So, one SMS credit is used up for a maximum of 160 characters, 2 credits are used up for 161-306 characters (=153*2) and so on. You can send messages up to 918 characters and this long message will use up six SMS credits (918 = 153*6).
What is an attachment?
An attachment is an additional file you can send as a link in a text message.
How do I attach a document to an SMS message?
Within the Invita interface, select the file that you wish to attach in the same way that you would when composing an email. Invita will convert the file into an easily accessible link within the body of the text message. The file will be hosted securely on our servers. If the document that you wish to attach is smaller than 10MB in file size, you're good to go. So attaching a file to an SMS message is not only easy, but requires zero IT infrastructure on your end.We will host attachment (invitation) online for you and add the short link in your text message.
How much does it cost to send an attachment?
There is no extra cost to include in attachment to your text message
Will I know who has clicked my attachments?
Yes, you can track the short link which is sent as an attachment. All the results are tracked and updated real time including mobile number, date/time, mobile device, mobile browser and custom fields.
Can people opt-out of Invita messages?
Yes, people can opt out of Invita messages by submitting contact details.
What is the Voice Message service of Invita and how it works?
O Bulk Voice Calls are pre-recorded voice messages that are sent to mobile and landline networks across the country.They are automated calls, after lifting the phone pre-recorded voice file will play and after that gets disconnected automatically .
What is length of an VOICE file should i upload?
The length of voice file is maximum of 1 minute.but Invita consider 30 seconds as one credit. if the voice file is more than 30 seconds two credits would be required.
Which format of voice file (extension like .mp3/.wav) is required?
The voice file should be in .wav
I unable to listen pre-recorded message.Why?
Please make sure that your file .wav with the following settings,
Change bit resolution: 16Bit
Change sampling rate: 8000Hz
Change audio channels: Mono
How do i check how my voice file will play?
You have an option Test, after upload the voice file you can click on that button to receive test voice call to your registered mobile number.
Why Email Invitation?
Email Invitaion is more effective and you can convey more information too.
Can i send Invitation Image as an attachment?
Yes, You can. When receiver opens the mail Invitaion would appear.
How do i know who has seen my invitaiton?
Invita provides real time reports to show complete status of the mail.
What is the senders email address?
Sender Email address is your registered email addrdss with Invita.If the receiver reply the mail in comes to your registered email address.
Why my Email option is disabled?
At the time of registrtion of the website email address is optional. To avail email service of Invita, your mail id should be authorized by Invita.
How do i check how my email looks like?
You have an option Test, after composing mail you can click on that button to receive test mail to your registered email address.
How do I purchase credits?
You can purchase credits online in Invita Please follow the steps listed below:
Log in to Invita
Click on the Buy option available in the top right hand corner.
This will take you to the Order page
Select your desired credits for SMS / VOICE / EMAIL
Click on Order Credits
You will be redirected to our payment portal powered by CCavenue
Choose the payment mode and complete the payment process
The credits will be added into your account instantly.
How much does it cost to send a messages?
The cost depends on how many credits you want to buy,( one SMS credit equals 160 characters and one VOICE credit equals to 30 seconds) and the credits last indefinitely. The cost of our credit bundles can be found on our prices page.
Will my credits expire?
Your credits will never expire.
After Pay if i don't get credits recharge?
You can contact Invita by submitting your payment transaction details.Invita's support team guide you further.
Amount deducted from my account, but there no recharge of credits.Why?
Due internet connection and other technical issues, after payment completed, you don't return to invita's website. You can contact Invita by submitting your payment transaction details.Invita's support team guide you further.
Would you refund the amount for the balance credits?
Invita suggest you to buy required credits only. The balance credits will never expire and you can use further occasion.No refund will be given.
What are the options Invita does provide to pay?
Invita's integrated payment gateway service provider offers NetBanking/ Debit Card / Credit Card Payments. Invita user can avail any one of them.
Is there any option to pay offline (not through online)?
Invita provides instant messaging service and does't suggest offline payments as it is time taking procedure.